Why Mentoring is Important

What do you think of when you think of the word mentor? A teacher/student relationship? Something that is formal and scheduled?

That’s what I used to think too. Until a few weeks ago when I was preparing a Toastmaster’s speech. I was asked to speak about a time when I was a protege. When I thought about my life, I realized I had a friend who has been instrumental in my writing career.  It was never anything official or formal. She just showed up year after year, encouraging me, spurring me to growth and stretching me when I needed it.

I’d love for you to take a look at the video below. As you listen, I’d encourage you to ask yourself if there is someone in your life who has unofficially mentored you? Maybe take a minute and send them a quick email or text and let them know you noticed and appreciate them.

Then, think about if there is someone you are currently mentoring or could mentor?  It doesn’t need to be a big production. Just show up. Send an encouraging text. Make a phone call. Let the rest happens naturally.  Invest in others and let others invest in you.  We all have gifts that are too valuable to hoard to ourselves.

As a side note, there are many, many other people who have put into my life. I love and cherish each of you and wish I could give a speech for each one of you.  But alas, I needed to choose one.


  1. Our friendship is so special…now I have this to cherish as well! What’s not on the video is how much of a two-way street the mentoring is, how we encourage each other, how our different areas of strength pass on to each other’s areas of need. What a better person I am for my friendship with you. I thank God for you always.

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