It’s Not Fair!

It’s Not Fair Typical words you would expect from a three year old who has to give back a toy he took from his playmate.  In his mind, he wanted the toy and anything that stood in the way of that goal was unfair. As we grow, we begin to …

Love Casts out Fear

It’s time for an update on my first post, Nice Doggie…Nice Doggie,  written a little over five months ago. As you may remember, I encountered my fear head on.  That warm September day I refused to listen to my emotions and began a long lasting friendship with a furry friend. …

Imitation of Christ Book 1 Chapter 15

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis Book 1 -Admonitions Profitable for the Spiritual Life Chapter 15 Of Works of Charity My all time favorite movie as a child was Princess Bride.  I dreamed of the day I would find true love and live happily ever after.  While I did marry …

The Intersection of Truth and Love

On paper, there is no conundrum reconciling truth and love.  Parenting, however, has for me proven to bring to light the constant seesaw of the two values.  On one hand, I want my children to be happy and feel blissfully loved.  On the other, I desire for them to have …

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