Why Evernote Rocks for Organizing Recipes

I’ve used my iPad not once, but twice today to cook not one, but two new recipes.  While I had a moment of panic before I jumped, I don’t regret making the switch from OneNote to Evernote. The search engines are so powerful you can search for a keyword inside …

Scanner Pro is My New Favorite App

I have been a die-hard OneNote fan for years.  I had experimented with Evernote four years ago and decided to organize my recipes in OneNote. The experience has been a good one and one I probably would not have reevaluated except for Scanner Pro.  My husband had snatched this gem …

An Open Letter to the Suicide Victims in Our Community

  Matthew and Anthony, I’m mad. Fist punching the wall mad.  You should be here – but you are gone.  It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  Why? Why?  Why? What tormented you so deeply you decided life wasn’t worth living? How did you get to the point that this …

An Open Letter to My Teenage Self

Dearest Nancy, You think you have it all figured out, don’t you? Life, that is? You think that if you don’t love, you won’t be hurt.  How’s that working out for you? That hard glare you’ve perfected in the mirror, the one that keeps you unapproachable, glad to see its …

The Harvest is Plentiful

“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35 If you had told me two or three years ago I would see the things I saw tonight, I would have …

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