Generation Y

What can I learn from Generation Y?  Adaptability. As much as I try and keep up with technology, my efforts pale in comparison to my 15 year old son. He has an uncanny ability to understand the devices.  He has an iPhone. 15-year-oldr had a Galaxy S3 or ever spent …

Is Grey the New Black?

I don’t know how grey crept into my life. There was a time in my life not to long ago that grey held little of my attention. But now, my favorite hoodie, my favorite tanks and my new favorite eye shadow pallete all boast varying shades of grey. It slowly …

Don’t be Brutish

As a new bride, I encountered many adjustments as two individuals tried to merge their lives together.  We have many fun memories as we look back over those first years of marriage.  The tiny one bedroom apartment on the sixth floor felt like a mansion to us. Movie night consisted …

Staying Organized While Homeschooling

We homeschool in  the main living area of our house – the kitchen and family room. Which means that those rooms often look more like a school room than what they are intended to be.  I have tried to streamline the clutter over the years but still struggled with the …

Jesus Will Have the Last Word

Some days I feel like I could handle all that life has thrown at me if only I just didn’t have this one burden to bear.  You know the one. The one that puts you over the edge and running for cover -literally to the safety of your bed with …

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