Sin is not just breaking rules, it’s breaking God’s heart

God freed the Israelites from slavery and then cared for them while they wandered for 40 years. He could have just killed them all for their disobedience, but He tenderly loved them as he raised up a next generation for His promises to be fulfilled. Have you ever loved someone …

Love Casts out Fear

It’s time for an update on my first post, Nice Doggie…Nice Doggie,  written a little over five months ago. As you may remember, I encountered my fear head on.  That warm September day I refused to listen to my emotions and began a long lasting friendship with a furry friend. …

God’s Perspective or Yours?

The Children of Israel.  Ah, yes. The little rebellious nation that complained, murmured, and was generally faithless over and over, to the point of making false idols. When I become frustrated with my continual failings I think of the children of Israel and wonder why I can’t learn from their …

In a Moment

“It’s funny how everything can change in four hours.” This was one of the lines in a TV show I was watching last night. A line I didn’t give much though to at the time.  Seems, we live in ignorance of the fragility of our worlds most of the time. Take …


FoodTracker is a simple little app. Which is perfect for tracking healthy eating. Now if you are one of those health nuts that counts calories or has some other way of ensuring healthy eating, this app is probably not for you. But, if you are like me and realize you …

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