Victory Over Sin

Sin is one of those tough topics to think about and talk about. We all want to think of ourselves are pretty good. It’s easier to write posts that share God’s love and are uplifting than ones that deal with deep heart issues.  The truth of the matter is though, …

Welcome Spring!

This is how I was greeted on the first day of spring and then again today.  While the calendar says it’s spring, I’m just not feeling it. But, you say it’s the end of March? Have hope – spring must be right around the corner.  And, hope I do have.  Soonly …

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. I shall not want.  God, the ruler of the universe, not only cares about each of my needs but has the power to do something about it.  He cares for me like a shepherd cares for his sheep. He makes me …

It’s Not Fair!

It’s Not Fair Typical words you would expect from a three year old who has to give back a toy he took from his playmate.  In his mind, he wanted the toy and anything that stood in the way of that goal was unfair. As we grow, we begin to …

Virtual Beach

As you can probably guess from my theme, the beach is one of my most favorite places in the world.  I just love listening to the waves while feeling the rays of warm sunshine. Since the beach and its soothing sounds are a distant memory on these long winter days, I …

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