Learn. Do. Teach.

I was an average student in High School. I didn’t like to work hard and wasn’t really motivated to apply myself – hence – average.  Around came ACT time which was anything but stellar.  At the advice of the guidance counselors, I was enrolled in a program where I would …

How Not to be Angry

“He makes me SO MAD!” “She is getting on my last nerve!” Sound familiar? You’ve heard it said that no one can make you mad. But, seriously – it doesn’t feel like that when your all riled up, does it? I recently watched this TED video that explained it in …

Are You Wise?

We all want to be wise. How do we get wisdom?  Let’s start with defining it.  Wisdom is knowledge to discern, knowing truth from error, using knowledge.  It starts with the thoughts in our heads that lead to words and actions. We get wisdom from one of four places: The world’s philosophies …

Pray. Trust. Rest.

Answer me when I call to you,     my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress;     have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1 What are you facing today? No matter how icy the waters seem, hold onto God.  Don’t let go and fall into fear, worry or doubt.  God …


I’m one of those people who becomes so not pretty when I am lacking sleep.  Seriously not pretty.  My sweet husband will do just about anything to make sure I get my beauty rest so I don’t dissolve into a mushy pile of irreconcilable tears.  Ear plugs, noise machines, telephone …

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