I would have despaired, but…

As life hurled itself on to me faster and harder than I could endure, I would have let my mind go to that ugly place of doubt, fear and regret. But this time was different. I had an arrow in my bow. A promise from God’s Word.  “I would have …

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

While walking through the woods, I noticed the leaves, branches and twigs all intertwined and overgrown. It struck me that in all the apparent unkempt appearance, it was still beautiful. Very beautiful, in fact. In all my wildest efforts, I could not design a garden or space to look like …

Is God enough?

Psalm 62:5-6 “My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.6 He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.” I had a friend ask me, “How do you depend on God more and yourself less?” How do you depend on God …

Be Still My Soul

After spending a week at the beach, I returned home to the busyness of day to day activities and was left pondering how to capture the stillness on my soul I felt on vacation.  Is peace and tranquility only a consequence of our circumstances? Sure, it’s easy to feel all …

Life is like a thunderstorm

Accuweather.com predicted it would rain for 23 more minutes and then there would be a lull for a half hour before the next storm. Knowing I could use the exercise I suggested we drop my car off at the shop a mile away and walk home.  Just for good measure, I …

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