Miss you, Dakota.

Taking the challenge from my teen’s awesomely talented Literature/Writing teacher 5000 Words – here’s a go at expanding on the dead dog from my last post.   She came bouncing into the room, jumped on my bed and began licking my nose.  My heart swelled with love as I reached …

The Endless Dream

My teens are taking a 5000 Words writing class.  I’ve not ever done much with fiction, but I’m always up for something new – so I thought I would give their prompt a try.  I was finally awake. My mom had come in the room and sat on the bed next time …

Am I Kindling?

Proverbs 26:20-21 “For lack of wood the fire goes out, And where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down. Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to the fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.” I’m sitting at my friend’s house watching her wood burning fireplace. Left unattended …

Can You Hear Me?

Can you see past my actions to my motives? Can you quiet your emotions long enough to see my pain? I haven’t lived as long as you and my worldview isn’t the same as yours so what I’m saying doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it does.  These are often …

Breathe In…Breathe Out

I want to be nice, really I do. And that usually works out just fine for me until I emerge from the quiet of my room into the world of living and interacting with other people.  Maybe you aren’t like me and can’t relate at all. But, my firecracker temper …

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