Today’s Prompt: Tell us the story of your most-prized possession. Today’s twist: We extolled the virtues of brevity back on day five, but now, let’s jump to the other side of the spectrum and turn to long-form writing. This is the final assignment for the month long Writing 101 course. I’m glad …
How are you?
Day Nineteen: Don’t Stop the Rockin’ Today is a free writing day. Write at least four-hundred words, and once you start typing, don’t stop. No self-editing, no trash-talking, and no second guessing: just go. Bonus points if you tackle an idea you’ve been playing with but think is too silly …
I’ll Show Them!
Day Eighteen: Hone Your Point of View The neighborhood has seen better days, but Mrs. Pauley has lived there since before anyone can remember. She raised a family of six boys, who’ve all grown up and moved away. Since Mr. Pauley died three months ago, she’d had no income. She’s fallen behind in …
What do I fear?
Day Seventeen: Your Personality on the Page Today’s Prompt: We all have anxieties, worries, and fears. What are you scared of? Address one of your worst fears. Today’s Twist: Write this post in a style distinct from your own. My worst fear? That’s tough to narrow down. I have …
Steps to a Paperless Home (Part 3)
We’ve talked about Evernote in Part 1. Then in Part 2 I shared how the paperless system was working out for me. In Part 3 I’m going to talk about scanners. There are various ways to get your information into Evernote. Use the Evernote email attached to your account and …