How’s the writing going?

I’m so glad you asked!  I have so much to tell you.  On November 1st an email arrived in my box from Nanowrimo.  I was first introduced to Nanowrimo in July when I joined Campnanowrimo.  The goal in July was to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  I wrote …

Thanksgiving, Thanksgetting

I don’t know where I’ve been recently.  I mean, I read the news and I’m on social media – but somehow I missed the term “Thanksgetting” until today.  I kind of wish I’d missed it today too.  I came across it in on a blog and at first thought Kelly …

A Space to Write

I’m generally a neat, organized, fit it in the box kind of girl.  The process of writing, I’m finding is not any of those things.  When I decided I wanted become more serious about writing, I dutifully put a task on my to-do list: Write 30 minutes a day.  I can hear …

Inside the Walls

Falling, falling, falling, Spiraling, swirling, sinking Despair. Darkness. Down, down, down, Surrounding shadows screeching Panic. Powerless. Empty. Small. Alone.   Accepted. Beautiful. Confident. Courageous. Safe. Secure. Dreams born. Promises kept.   Cool breezes on sunny days Crashing of the ocean waves Crunching fall leaves underfoot Crystalline ice glazed branches

Things That Give Me Joy and Meaning

“If we want to live a wholehearted life, we have to become intentional about cultivating sleep and play, about letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth.  -Brene Brown Things that give me joy and meaning Loving others Obeying God Living with a under-full schedule Loving …

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