Stay Mr. Sandman

  breath slows body relaxes noises cease sweet, beautiful sleep overtakes   Consciousness creeps in My body screams – Just one more minute Powerless to stop the engines Shifting, shifting, constantly shifting Full speed ahead  


Sun glinting on glass tops Swaying trees on pond surfaces Silhouettes at sunset A kind word, a soft touch, an unheard prayer A sideways glance, a harsh tone, a set jaw Each moment as light beams from my heart scatter in every direction In your Word, I drench my heart Jesus, may …

Welcome Friend

Pushed down Squashed Almost forgotten   I found her one summer afternoon Timidly peering out through the cobwebs of my soul   Even after all these months, she only speaks in complete stillness. Silencing Sybil is a feat worthy of attempting. For when she knows it’s safe, only then will …

The Parable of the Sower

For years  I had a square foot garden. I would mix good soil into the beds, plant the seeds, weed and water faithfully.  The fruits of my labor?  A couple of tomatoes, a few handfuls of  beans and – if I was lucky, some lettuce.  The problem?  Deer.  They beat me …

Book Review: Money Making Mom

I have followed blog for many years.  So, when I saw Crystal Paine’s new book, Money Making Mom, I wondered what it could offer that I hadn’t already gleaned from her blog.  I was pleasantly pleased to find the material in the book was fresh, informative and motivational. The Goal of …

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