
You are Chosen. How is it that everyone can relate to being picked last for dodge ball in Junior High? Probability says that someone, somewhere was picked first, right?  We all know that feeling of being unwanted. Maybe you have walked around your whole life with the sting of knowing …


Beloved Loved; greatly loved; dear to the heart Synonyms: precious, dearest, adored, cherished, treasured, cared for, highly valued. Antonyms: hated or despised If we are honest, one of our deepest desires is to be loved, cherished, treasured and cared for.  We look for fulfillment by turning to friends, food, shopping, approval and …

Enough is Enough

Are you worn out? Tired? Does it feel like you are busy just being busy – wheels spinning at turbo speed, but not accomplishing anything? It’s time to say: Enough is Enough! For the next 30 days we will stop. cease. and be still…and find you are enough. Your worth doesn’t come from what you do, but who …

Book Review: Breaking Busy by Alli Worthington

 Are you tired and overwhelmed? Do you feel you are on a hamster wheel and can’t stop the spinning?  In Breaking Busy: How to Find Peace and Purpose in a World of Crazy, Alli Worthington walks you through Biblical principles that uncover lies and helps you discover how to stop …

The Armor of God

In The Armor of the Enemy we looked at Ephesians 6 and some poor armor with which we often equip ourselves.  Today let’s take apart  Ephesians 6:10-18 and see what appropriate armor looks like. Questions 1:  Armor? Why do we need armor?  Isn’t this the 21st century? Answer: It’s easy to forget about …

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