
M is for meekness. I admire meekness because it doesn’t come easy for my pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps personality. Growing up my younger siblings nicknamed me bossy. My mom would continually remind me I was not the mother – and she did not need my help disciplining her children.  As an adult working in accounting, I …


L is for Liberated I wanted to use freedom for my word starting with F, but I chose friend instead.  So, I’m excited to use liberated now.  Liberated is defined as freed from slavery, imprisonment or enemy occupation. Synonyms are saved, rescued, redeemed, unshackled, acquitted (remove blame) I’m thankful Jesus set …


K is for Kept by Jesus Christ Kept: to maintain possession of; guard, protect, look after, provide necessities, to fulfill, to remain fresh and unspoiled. This is probably my most favorite attribute of who I am in Christ.  As someone who deals with anxiety I have spent many, many hours …


J is for Justified Justification: remission of sin and absolution from guilt and punishment; or an act of free grace by which God pardons the sinner and accepts him as righteous, on account of the atonement of Christ. Justification: God loved you so much He paid the penalty for your …


I is for Instructed by God “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Ps. 32:8 “Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.” Psalm …

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