How to Gain Confidence

I recently joined Toastmasters. There are five core competencies Toastmasters teaches. Public Speaking Interpersonal Communication Strategic Leadership Management Confidence On the handout, the fifth one is grayed out with an asterisk that says, “Confidence is unique because it can’t be taught, but it is gained in every path. My first …

153 Years Ago Today: Thanksgiving Became National Holiday

On October 20, 1864, President Lincoln signed a proclamation declaring the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.  As I read the proclamation I was surprised at what it said.   I was sad racism is still a part of our country, and God is not–at least on the governmental level. …

What three words describe you?

Grab a pen and paper, set the timer for ten minutes and write down everything you can think of to describe you. There is no wrong answer; the key is to keep writing for the full ten minutes. When the timer rings, stop and look back over what you wrote. …

When I don’t trust God

A few years, as a homeschool mom, I convinced myself I should teach not one but two history curriculums in one year. I was afraid if we only used one there would be gaps in my kids’ education. As I was puzzling over my options, a wiser, more experienced homeschool …

King Rifki’s Worst Enemy – Flash Fiction for Microcosms

Microcosms runs a flash fiction contests every Friday.  They give you the character, setting, and genre.  You have 300 words and 24 hours to write a story.  300 words isn’t a lot. I am learning to “kill my darlings” -a quote Steven King uses meaning to cut all the extra words …

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