King Rifki’s Worst Enemy – Flash Fiction for Microcosms

Microcosms runs a flash fiction contests every Friday.  They give you the character, setting, and genre.  You have 300 words and 24 hours to write a story.  300 words isn’t a lot. I am learning to “kill my darlings” -a quote Steven King uses meaning to cut all the extra words …

I’ll Show Them!

Day Eighteen: Hone Your Point of View The neighborhood has seen better days, but Mrs. Pauley has lived there since before anyone can remember. She raised a family of six boys, who’ve all grown up and moved away. Since Mr. Pauley died three months ago, she’d had no income. She’s fallen behind in …

The Red Sweater

Day Nine: Point of View Today’s Prompt: A man and a woman walk through the park together, holding hands. They pass an old woman sitting on a bench. The old woman is knitting a small, red sweater. The man begins to cry. Write this scene.  Today’s twist: write the scene from …


Day Seven: Give and Take Today’s Prompt: Write a post based on the contrast between two things — whether people, objects, emotions, places, or something else.  Today’s twist: write your post in the form of a dialogue.   Connie had just returned home after a stressful day at school. She knew …

The Note

Today is day 5 of Writing 101.  The twist threw me – brief isn’t something I generally am.  Husband came up with the idea for the note. Thought I’d give it a go. Thanks for reading. Today’s Prompt: You stumble upon a random letter on the path.You read it. It affects …

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