Garment of Praise

Light snowflakes swirl and tumble tangling above and below each other. Every now and again one blows right into the window as if to say hello and then twirls away again…around and around, up and down. The sun peers slightly out of the cloud covered sky. One lonely snowflake sprints …

Does pain have a purpose?

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  James 1:2-4 I don’t like pain.  If I have …

Why do we pray in Jesus name?

In Jesus name. My eyes look over the words I’ve so carelessly prayed so for so many years. As a child, we are trained to pray in Jesus name as if it’s a magic formula. If you don’t beat the eggs before you add them to the pancakes, the pancakes …

From fear to hope

I feel so small and alone, standing by the Christmas tree. Tears seep from the corner of my eye and fall unnoticed. I feel frozen in time, invisible. I scream. No one turns their head – no one notices -no one helps…I don’t know what to do. Have you ever …

12 Tips for a Full Thanksgiving

As you are snuggling in bed reviewing the day’s events, what would you want to have happened to make Thanksgiving day perfect? I recently asked this question on Facebook and here are a few answers. Lots of mashed potatoes -and everyone getting along Family togetherness – A room thick with …

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