Speak No Evil

I have found by sun down, often the resolves I made early in the morning have gotten trampled by the rush and stress of the day. James 1:22-25 describes my situation well:  “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the …


Z is for zealous We made it to Z! I have enjoyed the A to Z Blogging Challenge as we explored who we are in Christ through the alphabet.  The challenge was to post one post a day through the month of April (not counting Sundays). I’m finishing a couple of days …


Y is for Yielded Standing before the cross, tears streamed down my face as I clenched the tiny pink and blue outfits to my chest. My heart was protesting as I laid the tiny outfits my babies wore home from the hospital so many years ago at the foot of the cross. Yielding is …


X is for xenolith A good analogy is invaluable.  A weak analogy is as useful as a sandbox in the desert.  In the spirit of the A-Z Challenge we have arrived at the letter X. My apologies in advance for the stretch. Xenolith is a rock fragment foreign to the igneous …


W is for wise One day, early in our marriage, my husband looked at me in exasperation and said, “Don’t be so brutish!” “I’m not being brutish!” I snapped, followed by, “–what is brutish?”  I’ve long since forgotten what we were arguing about, but I realized two things that day. …

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