Does What I Do on Earth Matter?

We will all be perfect when we get to heaven, right? So why strive for it now? What does it matter?  Can’t I just enjoy the things of this earth now and then end up in the same standing as the next guy for the rest of eternity? Sure, the day …

What Your Friends Say About You

  Do you remember the “Be Like Mike” Gatorade commercial that originally aired in the early 90’s?  While I’m not sure drinking Gatorade will win you an NBA championship, there is some truth to it.  A writer once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the …

God is Good

So maybe I’m a bit critical of those who inconvenience me. And, sure I should be appreciated for the sacrifices I make for those I love. Don’t judge me for multi-tasking and mentally making a to-do list during worship.  I’m a busy girl! Know that the Lord, he is God! It …

Energize your Quiet Time

It happened by accident, almost as a side-effect or by product. In January of this year my church started a series in James.  That week in my quiet time, I came across this verse: Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is …

Thinking before Speaking

When I write, I have a chance to reread it and make any necessary corrections before I hit the enter key.  How I wish my brain had an enter key. Two days down to my six day commitment. For the rest of the week I will only speak words that …

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