Book Review: Money Making Mom


I have followed blog for many years.  So, when I saw Crystal Paine’s new book, Money Making Mom, I wondered what it could offer that I hadn’t already gleaned from her blog.  I was pleasantly pleased to find the material in the book was fresh, informative and motivational.

The Goal of Money Making Mom

 “To encourage women with practical ways they could increase their income, multiply their impact, and not lose their joy in the process.” 

Whether you are reading her books, her blog or watching an interview, Crystal Paine is genuine and down-to-earth.  The advice, strategies and suggestions in her newest book are doable and easy to implement. It is brimming with resources, book suggestions and true life stories of other women who have been successful in making money from home.

After reading her book, I realize there are a lot more ways to make residual money that I had thought.  I feel motivated and empowered to stretch myself and try new things. The book was uplifting and encouraging as Paine shared her experiences, what worked and what didn’t.  After finishing, I feel challenged to live generously, challenged to put in hard work and motivated to love the process.

Favorite Quotes:

“I recommend that you read at least ten to twenty business-related books before you move forward with your idea.”

“I believe wholeheartedly that plain ole hard work and perseverance have been the key ingredients for the success of my business.”

“I’m not concerned that you’ll fail at something. I’m concerned that you’ll succeed at something that doesn’t matter.”

“Keep dreaming, keep setting goals, and keep breaking them down into bite-sized pieces. Keep moving forward, even if you feel like you’re going at a snail’s pace.”


If you are looking to start a new business, looking for ideas on ways to make money or just want to be motivated and inspired, Money Making Mom will not disappoint.  

Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers. The opinions I have expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links.


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