Book: I Don’t Get You: A guide to healthy conversations by Sherry Graf
Size: 72 pages
Publisher: NavPress (May 15, 2016)
My Rating: ***
I Don’t Get You is a book that addresses the topic of emotional purity between the opposite sexes. Emotional purity is the gatekeeper to sexual purity. This book is written to the unmarried teen who desires sexual purity in his or her life. There are six short (5-6 page) chapters with discussion questions in each chapter. She shares five categories to help guide you through appropriate discussions at various levels of intimacy with the opposite sex.
My Review
When I decided to read this book I thought it was going to be about the differences in men and women and how to communicate more effectively. Rather, it is written for young adults and deals with emotional/sexual purity – which isn’t a bad thing, just not what I was expecting. I think Sherry has a good message that would have helped me as a teen navigate the murky waters of talking to boys. At about the size of my hand, I was surprised at how small the book was. It is a quick read at the size of a booklet or an ebook. So, just because it wasn’t a good fit for me as a married middle-aged woman, doesn’t mean it might not be for you. See what you think – take a look at the First Chapter as well as an Author Q and A.
I would recommend this book to: Teens desiring God honoring relationships, small group study for teens (the discussion questions throughout the chapters are a plus)
Sum it up in one sentence: When is it ok to say what to the opposite sex?
*I received this book free from the publisher. You – the reader are my first priority. I am committed to giving an honest review to help you decide if the book is a good fit for you.
It might be helpful, based on your review, if the title stated the intended audience. Thanks for the great review! It’s helpful to know who would most benefit from a book (that’s good advice for me as a writer as well).
Thanks for the suggestion – I’ll do that!
Oh! I meant the original author. Your post was perfect.
LOL! Oh….I get it now. Yes- that would have been most helpful! I’m left wondering if I critiqued her too harshly based on what I anticipated the book to be??
No. I would have thought the same thing. Your review is perfect.