It’s been a month since Christmas. Is your tree down? Lights off the front of the house? I won’t tell if you don’t. Actually, my tree was down two days after Christmas. Scrooge. I know.
I love the clean, clutter-free look, and I haven’t figured out how to do that with a gigantic tree in the middle of my family room. I kind of wanted to put one
As I reflect over the last month, it was a good month.
My husband and I snuck away for a few days to warmth and
It’s also been a month since I gave Jesus his Christmas present–my gift to the King. I wrapped and put a plaque of the serenity prayer under the tree.
I tied the idea of a word of the year into my Gift to the King. I chose the word optimism. I can tend to worry, assume the worst and get all worked up over things that generally never happen. So, for 2019 I committed to God that I would to the best of my
Optimism is expecting the best possible outcome and dwelling on the most hopeful aspects of the situation. I put the serenity prayer plaque in my office as a daily reminder that there are things and people I can’t change, nor should I try. Then there are the things I need the courage and confidence to change.

I never put too much stock in positive thinking before. But, I’ve realized I can and should think positively because I trust in a sovereign God. So, even if I don’t like or understand what’s going on at the moment, I can trust God is good and is working all things for good.
And you know what? The more I’ve chosen to see the good side of a situation, the smoother life has gone. It’s still a habit in progress, for sure. But I’m
“For I am confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 1:6
Such good advice and right at the beginning of a new year. Our pastor has been teaching on speaking positive words, not negative, being around positive people, and weeding the negative people out of our lives. I am finding this to be very good advise. I love the serenity prayer and think it might be wise for me to have that in my room. Thank you.
You keep me on the optimistic side of the fence. You got this optimism thing!
That was me, Kelly. 😉
Positivity is good for so many reasons. It’s a habit like any other. Even if you don’t believe in the power of positivity, one thing it’s great for is making you a more pleasant person to be around. If you think about the people you like best, the chances are that they have a good attitude. I think that’s one of the things I like about you. Bless you!