Dreams are goals with deadlines – Napoleon Hill
Grab a pen and piece of paper and set the timer for five minutes. Ask yourself these questions and
What are your deepest desires and longings? If you could do anything, go anywhere what would it be? When you get to the end of your life and look back, what would make you happy to have accomplished?
Flip your paper over and set the timer for another five minutes.
What would you like to accomplish this year? Dream. What if you had the resources, what would you like to do? What’s nagging in the back of your brain?
Now pick one. What one goal would you like to work on first? I’m choosing
5 Steps to making dreams reality
- Choose one idea from your list and brainstorm all the things that need to happen for it to become a reality.
- What from that list can you do this month? Write it on your monthly calendar.
- Write one-fourth of the items from your monthly list onto your weekly list.
- What can you do today? Choose items that you can do today and put them on your daily list.

How about you? What’s stopping you from making your dreams reality?
This is a great challenge. For those of us who love lists, this is perfect. I appreciated the 1,2,3 step instructions along with the visual aids of your own personal calendar.
OK, I am setting my timer for five minutes starting right now. 🙂