On October 20, 1864, President Lincoln signed a proclamation declaring the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. As I read the proclamation I was surprised at what it said. I was sad racism is still a part of our country, and God is not–at least on the governmental level.
But then I realized we, as a people can and should look to our past, to the overarching themes of President Lincoln’s intent in his Thanksgiving proclamation. I love the turkey and pumpkin pie as much as the next person, but I want to pause this year and remember to thank God for every blessing He gives and humble myself to ask for peace, unity, and blessing over our land for generations to come.
Thanksgiving 2017

As we approach the 153rd annual Thanksgiving Day let us thank Almighty God for prolonging our nation for another year. He has defended us from our enemies and from ourselves. He has shown us favor and health in our homes and to our soldiers and sailors abroad. He has given us freedom and opened up opportunities for wealth and has abundantly blessed us. He has also encouraged us to fortitude and courage, bringing us to a place of hope for deliverance from our dangers and afflictions.
Let us remember as did our forefathers this last Thursday in November as a day when all citizens pause to thank and praise the Almighty God, our Creator, and Ruler of the Universe. On this day reverently humble yourself in the dust and offer up prayers of repentance and fervently pray and ask God’s blessings of peace, unity, and harmony throughout this land which God has given us as a dwelling place for ourselves and our future generations.
I’m glad to be reminded of these things ahead of time, rather than right before the day when things start getting crazy.