Ewonderhub Blogger Award

img_20160503_011115I was nominated for the Ewonderhub Blogger Award by Kelly. Kelly’s passion for excellence shows in every area of her life from writing to teaching. She writes with a rare raw honesty. It’s a delight to read her words as they twirl together into a memorable and electric dance. Check out her blog: Kelly Griffiths

A Brief History of My Blog

Kelly teaches a literature class my kids were enrolled in in September 2013.  The first thing she teaches the students is how to set up a WordPress blog.  I think she saw the longing in my eyes and invited me to sit in the back of the class. The season of being a full time mom and homeschool teacher is coming to a close and I’m excited to pursue my dreams of writing.

My blog is me. It is changing and growing as I change and grow. In the beginning I had three blogs with different focuses. Now I have one and I’m trying to take my hands off and let it form the way it is meant to and not the way I think it should look.  .

I am an all-in girl whose curiosity often gets the best of me. As a kid when I wanted to know something I would go to the library and get as many books as I could carry on the subject. I remember topics ranging from electricity (which still fascinates me) to patio gardening.   I was also eager to talk and share everything I was learning with anyone who would listen – which often ended up being my cat. I also loved escaping into worlds found in books. Now being the creator of worlds thrills me.

Advice to New Bloggers

  1. Read. Read and read some more. Stephen King says, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” Check out my book list for 2016 here.
  2. Write. Write and write some more.  Quite thinking about it, researching it and dreaming about it.  Just write.  Early in my journey I read a quote that said to plan on ten years of practice before you are ready to publish, and there is no way to hurry that process. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it has given me the space to enjoy the journey. William Faulkner says, “I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes at nine every morning.”


Unlike my cat, who rarely gave feedback – it’s been a blessing and privilege to not walk this journey alone.  I’m thankful for each person whose life has touched mine, whether short or long, good or bad – I’m a better person because of you. Thank you.





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