2014 Bucket List

We all know that having goals are the key to achieving them.  Goal setting can be fun too.  Dreaming about the future and reflecting on the past can help lead to a contented and productive life.  You may never accomplish everything on your lists, but you will certainly come a lot closer if you have one.  Without one, how will you know if you’ve accomplished a goal?  Here is my bucket list at the moment.  How about you? Do you have a bucket list?


Top 5 Places I Want to Visit  I’ve been to Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Canada, Grand Canyon, California, NY City, Chicago, Arizona, Las Vegas, Florida, Bahamas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania and of course Ohio!  That’s all I can think of at the moment.  I think these now are my top five travel choices.

  1. Israel – How amazing would it be to walk where Jesus walked? I can’t imagine how alive the Bible would become after a trip like this.
  2. Hawaii – I’ve heard it’s so beautiful!  Hoping to go for our 25th Wedding Anniversary.
  3. Washington DC – I’ve wanted to see the White House since I was in college.  Planning a trip later this month with the kids.
  4. Venice, Italy – after seeing the Venetian Hotel in Vegas, I really want to see the real thing!
  5. A 50 State Road Trip – I would love to get an RV and visit each state in the USA. Maybe when we retire


Things I Want to Do before I Die – I can’t think of many things.  I am pretty content with the direction my life has taken. I have (mostly) loved the adventure of homeschooling my children. I love teaching and have spent most of my life doing just that in one venue or another.  Writing is something I’ve always wanted to do and just recently started pursuing.

  1. Write a book and have it published.
  2. Graduate my children from High School
  3. Buy an ocean front house. I would love to live there full time, but even if it was a rental and we could hang out often.  I can dream – right?


Things I Want to Do This Summer – as a homeschool mom, what projects don’t get done over the summer, just don’t get done.  The house is usually organized and cleaned by August but by the following May we are back to square one.  This list may be a bit aggressive – but we’ll see.  Other than preparation for next school year – everything else is optional.

  1. Scan pictures into the computer – I’ve wanted to get this project done for what seems like forever!
  2. Scan recipes into Evernote.  I’ve got this started – just need a few dedicated hours to complete
  3. Scan school papers and memories into computer – time to attack the bins of papers from 10+ years ago and free up premium storage space.
  4. Plan for next school year (class and activity schedules/lesson plans/books ordered)
  5. Read for fun!  Lots of books!  Haven’t started book list yet.
  6. Write. Write. Write.  I want to continue to develop my writing skills.  Mulling over the best way to do that.
  7. Declutter the house.  How do we manage to accumulate so much stuff each school year?!
  8. Paint interior of the house – well, this is a wish list, right?  Assuming I accomplish everything else on my list, I would love to freshen up the interior of the house with new paint.


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